Pooping burns a minimum of 68 calories per hour. To poop is to sit for many minutes. If a 150-lb man sits and poops for 6 minutes, he burns 6.8 calories. Rough pooping, on the other hand, can burn up to 112 calories per hour.
Depending on a lot of factors, every individual burns calories differently. Pooping alone cannot be considered as an exercise that could make one lose weight and fats. The tendency is, one could get problems related to the prostate should this be the case. This, in turn, would be a more painful experience to endure.
Pooping is an act that requires the tension of the muscles. Should this be the case, calories burned can be more than 68 calories per hour. In instances where the individual has enough fiber and water in the system, pooping becomes easier. The efforts exerted are lesser.
This kind of pooping can burn about 68 calories per hour. But while the calories burned are lesser, this is less painful. This kind of pooping is also the healthier kind.
But the fact remains that burning calories differ depending on the person. The heavier the person, the more calories are burned. This is the same for any other activity, not just in pooping.
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Does pooping make you lose weight?
Pooping results in weight loss. The weight lost is not that significant, though. Because pooping rids one of the foods inside the body, it results in a feeling of being lighter.
How much is that weight, then, depends on the poop that is discharged. The weight of one’s poop varies. Its weight relies on a lot of factors. Examples would be one’s body size, eating habits, and the amount of liquid taken in.
It is thus of great importance to remember that many factors comprise one’s weight. It is not just a total of everything that goes in and out of one’s body.
When one poops, the weight loss is insignificant. Also, one should note that the weight that one loses is never permanent.
This is for the reason that the body’s intake of food is continuous. The processing of food is constant. As everyone is all aware, the waste matter that was discharged by the body is always replaced with food.
The body digests the food in different timeframes. Some can digest food and discard its wastes faster than others. Thus, it is hard to estimate the exact number of hours by which food passes the body and leaves as waste.
To estimate, a healthy human can process food for about 4-5 hours. This is for the stomach to empty. It then takes another 30 to 40 hours for these to pass through another body part, the colon.
Acids and enzymes that are present in the stomach then break down the food. It goes through the gut. By then, a horde of bacteria breaks it down. The body absorbs everything useful. All others pass and are discharged as waste.
A Poop Composition
A person’s poop weight also depends on the regularity of the bowel movement. But on average, poop should weigh around a quarter of a pound to 1 pound.
When an individual is larger and eats or drinks more, the tendency is that he has a heavier poop. This is also the same in people who have a bowel movement that is not that regular. In such cases, it takes about 33 hours for the whole bowel process.
This includes the processing of food into poop and the discharge of poop from one’s body.
But the question remains. If the weight lost after pooping is not significant, why does one feel slimmer once done? The answer is simple. This is because when one is pooping, one discharges gas and minimizes bloating as well. This makes one feel slimmer… more comfortable.
The next time you poop, think about the quarter of a pound of weight, you are losing. Because while it is not a recommended exercise, it is, at least, a way for one to lose weight. The weight is not that significant, though.
Is pooping recommended for weight loss?
Weight is lost after pooping. But it should never be a way to lose a substantial amount of weight. This means that pooping is not an effective way to lose weight the healthy way. It does not get rid of the body fat.
Studies point that fat that is stored around the waist is the most dangerous. This type of fat is called visceral fat. This kind of fat does not lie beneath the skin. Most body fat does that. We call them subcutaneous fat. But the ones around the waist are different.
Visceral fat stays deep inside the abdominal cavity. These types of fat surround the organs and affect each organ’s performance.
This is the reason why visceral fat is always connected to many ailments. These include metabolic problems. The most common are heart diseases and diabetes. In some cases, these fats are also connected to breast cancer. They are also causes of disturbances in the gallbladder in women.
For one to lose body fat, there is a need to shift the focus. An individual aiming to lose weight should focus on attaining calorie deficits.
A calorie deficit happens when there are more calories burned than consumed. One can attain calorie deficits through a healthy diet and exercise. This is not attainable by bowel habits.
This is why, when one is overweight and obese, some sort of exercise should be added to the routine. Even light activities of 30 minutes daily can bring many positive impacts when it comes to losing weight.
Such light exercises may be walking, swimming, or biking. When one has the time and the facilities, jogging or lifting weights can also be good exercises. These can also lead to weight loss.
When one has enough exercise, bowel habits also become regular. This is why exercise is an important addition to one’s daily habits. When there is enough exercise, one sees that the pooping becomes regular and frequent.
Do you poop more when on a healthy diet?
When on a healthy diet, there is more pooping that is bound to happen.
When on a healthy weight loss diet, one consumes many fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and fiber. To consume more fiber means one’s stool weight is also increased. This encourages a more regular bowel habit.
As such, anyone that is under a healthy weight loss diet can have more bowel movements than the others. Weight loss is not because of the increasing number of bowel movements.
The weight loss is attributed to other aspects of the diet.
A lot of weight-loss diets recommend that one should consume more protein. As we are all aware, meat provides more protein than other sources. But what one should realize is that meat is harder to digest than other types of food.
Another concern is that these slices of meat do not have as much fiber to address the daily need. As we already know by now, fiber aids in bulking out the stool. And without fiber, one’s stool may be loose. It can also be runny.
Lack of fiber in the diet can also lead to constipation.
Here are a few examples of healthy diets that consume food rich in fiber:
Vegan diet
There are, however, other types of diets that are low in fiber. Such diets can lead to decreased bowel movements. These types of diets can also have little to no effect on bowel movement. Here they are:
Keto diet
Atkins diet
Out of the many available diets, a balanced diet is one that is recommended. The diet should be able to include fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. There should also be mish, fish, eggs, and beans. And don’t forget the nuts!
The balanced diet should be low on saturated fats. One should also be wary of processed foods and those that are high in salt and sugar.
One should eat the right amount of calories per day. Aside from that, there should also be an exercise that is incorporated into the daily regimen. These two, when paired together, are great in maintaining a healthy weight.
It is also a recommendation to be regular when checking the weight. Make sure that when doing so, it is always at the same time of the day. It is also preferred that there is little to no clothing when weighing. One should do it after pooping.
How do you attain a healthy bowel movement?
It’s simple. One effective way to establish a healthy bowel movement is to relax. Pooping is never done in a hurry so take your time. Doing it every day at the same time can also help maintain a healthy bowel movement. Do it after breakfast. Or do it as soon as you get out of bed. As long as it is always done at the same time daily, one can keep bowel movements regular and healthy.
We must accept, however, that not everyone can attain a healthy bowel movement. Not everyone can do it every day. When one is doing it every other day, there is no cause for worry.
The range of healthy bowel movements can be anywhere from three times per day to three times per week. There are a few outside interventions that make bowel movements more regular.
These are stress, traveling, and medication. Some factors that can also affect a healthy bowel movement are illnesses. Others can be because of medication.
When trying to maintain a healthy bowel movement, it is important to be aware of the body’s signals. Only go for it when there is an urge. Never force the body when there is no need.
Some gentle exercises may also be able to help push for a healthy and regular bowel movement. Or one can go into any of those healthy diets and be physically active as well.
Doing so would ensure that one gets a healthy digestive system. This would also encourage a healthy and regular bowel movement.
There are other ways by which to maintain a healthy and regular bowel movement. One of those is to incorporate as much fiber in the diet as possible. Also, bowel movements become healthy when one takes enough fluids regularly.
When it is hard to get the poop out, that may be constipation. This can be helped with over the counter laxatives. But there are times when this is because of an underlying health condition.
If constipation persists despite the change in diet and lifestyle, go see the doc.
Pooping results in weight loss. But can one determine how big of a weight loss that is? While there is weight loss, the weight that is lost is not as significant. This is also temporary to be able to have drastic changes in one’s weight.
While one feels lighter after pooping, it is not because of the little weight that was lost. It is because of the gas and bloated feeling that are let go in the act of pooping.
The weight lost during pooping will always come back. This is because the body is continuously processing food and discharging waste.
As such, pooping is not a recommended way to lose bodyweight.
What is recommended is to include as much fiber as possible in one’s diet. Eating foods that are rich in fiber can push for regular and healthy bowel movements. Doing so would also aid in one to lose weight.
And speaking of losing weight, what is also important is to ensure there is a calorie deficit every day. This means that the calories burned are more than the calories that one takes in.
One should rely on calorie deficits to lose weight. Because when losing weight, pooping is not the answer. A calorie deficit is.